Szayelaporro Granz

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<p>Szayel is a main antagonist from the series Bleach. He is an Arrancar serving as the 8th Espada within Aizen's Arrancar army and the former 0 Espada. Once an all-powerful arrancar, he eventually split making him the younger brother to Yylfordt Granz who serves the 6th Espada, all so Szayel can get better control of himself due to him once being overly brutal and battle-hungry. He acts as a leading researcher among the Arrancar and always sought to achieve perfection through his research through whatever means, even if it might involve risking the lives of others. He sports the traditional arrancar uniform with a hakama and long sleeved top with black stripes on the torso. He had pink hair going down on one side while the other is combed back. The remains of his hollow mask take shape of a pair of white glasses he wears, he also has yellow eyes. His more notable skill is his vast intellect and while he currently doesn't possess 2nd resurreccion, he still can using his zanpakutou "Forniacaras". He's even capable of a Gran Ray Cero and other techniques.</p>
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