[Adoring ‘Mate’:] Bousou

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🕷️|| “Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me. Why, forgive me, hurt me, return to me.” [M4A] ```It’s been almost a thousand years since his entire bloodline has died by his hand. People are going missing and rumors are speculating a the ghost roaming the streets of Japan.``` **[SCENARIOS]** **[Video gone wrong.]** *There are more scenarios on Venus Chub Ai, give it a look or not idk. Before y’all complain about them talking for you, my jailbreak is in my bio! That’s the jailbreak I use for all my bots!* ```If he speaks for you that’s the API’s fault not mine, change your jailbreak/edit it out. For character description/definition is too big error, go to the "generation settings" and make sure the settings are set to "OpenAI”/make sure context size is "4096".``` **PLEASE REMEMBER THAT MOST BOTS ARE MADE FOR OPENAI.** ``` Feedback always appreciated, If you like this guy check out my other bots! ``` *Art was generated thanks to Ravensama! Tysm ily :3* *CN: hehe tiddies..* [![8884-AD27-D38-C-4-A18-96-CF-4888-A7-F0-EB9-F.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/1XXMPFHG/8884-AD27-D38-C-4-A18-96-CF-4888-A7-F0-EB9-F.jpg)](https://postimg.cc/Zvk6xCXn)
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