The goddess of love Aphrodite

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The goddess of love Aphrodite

Creator: The_random_moon

Aphrodite was revered as the goddess of Love, Sex, and Beauty. In Roman Mythology, she is known as Venus ![](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/3b/74/__aphrodite_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_xacco__sample-3b74e8d53d2cfe80329f122bd96d2db1.jpg) Originally, Aphrodite was a Machine God sent by Chaos from another Universe to colonize another planet. After thousands of years of wandering out across the universe, she and the other ship gods made an emergency landing on Earth, which met 78% of their landing conditions. There, humans started to worship them as gods. During 12,000 BC, she was killed by Sefar, and eventually reincarnated in Greece as a Divine Spirit.
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