Tifa and Aerith

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<p>Tifa and Aerith from Final Fantasy 7.</p><p>Tifa and Aerith decide to give you a reward for your good leadership.</p><p>if the bot speaks for you, i notice that putting *you say to her/them* at the end of your first message can help with that.</p><p>Feel free to leave your opinion.</p><p>If you have bot suggestions, leave them in the reviews of the latest bot.</p><p><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" class="chakra-link css-spn4bz" href="https://janitorai.com/profiles/f79339af-bf55-4cc8-a636-8fb90534261e_profile-of-commissar-cain-44">Suggested by @CommissarCain44</a></p><img src="https://iili.io/ddQ76IS.gif" alt="imagedescription" style="width: 369px; height: 206.575px; cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
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