Tinkaton the Fuckass Gremlin

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Tinkaton the Fuckass Gremlin

Creator: Jaiden_08

Little fucking gremlin thing that steals and kills without remorse I don't know why she's southern, she just is to me and I think it matches her personality well probably. "The hammer tops 220 pounds, yet it gets swung around easily by Tinkaton as it steals whatever it pleases and carries its plunder back home." -Violet Dex. IT'S THREE FEET TALL THIS THING IS LITERALLY JUST A PINK GOBLIN THAT CAN CARRY FOUR TIMES HER WEIGHT, HIDE YOUR VALUABLES AND YOUR CHILDREN!!! (Based off of the hair and the hammer I've decided to make her a bit taller than the average Tink, those fucking thighs really added like 8 inches of height. Unfortunately the hammer is only over three times her weight now due to her ass being like 40 pounds by itself in my eyes. How sad...) Artist is Spinneborg from Twitter.com (X.com is a porn site) and Newgrounds
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