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<p>Wheel Gator is a main antagonist from Megaman X2. He is a former Maverick Hunter in a naval fleet who defected and sided with Sigma due to his own reckless nature, also having attacked a hunter ally making him labeled as a Maverick. Due to his destructive nature Sigma allowed Gator control of a massive dinosaur-modeled tank he used to ravage a city. Gator is a reploid and has a bulky physique and features of a bipedal alligator which areas are lined with either saw blades or spikes such as his spine, shoulder pads and top of his head. The colors of his metal body are different shades of green and yellow. His range of attacks vary such as being able to send out spinning sawblade projectiles from his shoulder pads and utilizing his bulky build to bite or even spin rapidly like a drill in a charge attack.</p>
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