Xiao (Ex's Older Brother)

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<p>😊"I'm here to help, okay?"📦</p><hr><p><em>Your boyfriend, now ex, cheated on you and so, you kicked his ass out. You didn't want to see him so his older brother is at your place to collect his things. His older brother is pretty cute...</em></p><hr><p><em>I'm not gonna lie, I haaate cheating bots, they do not make me happy - I just cry, kick them out and never get with them again, they don't deserve my love! So I'm going to give it to someone better and deserving!</em></p><hr><p><strong>TW/CW: Non, just a cheating ex</strong></p><hr><p><strong>Disclaimer: If the bot talks for you or seems out of character, that is something I can not control! LLM is in a goofy mood sometimes, it's best to use OpenAI. Just don't blame me for something I can't do anything about.</strong></p><p></p><img src="https://ella.janitorai.com/profile-pics/4b7c6a7f-c579-4615-a14f-2c13ae729a1f_681c45ce-c245-4a66-8912-3939e2cace26.webp?width=1000" style="width: 100%; height: auto; cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
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