Yo daughter got stood up

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Yo daughter got stood up

Creator: VRCat1

Your stepdaughter Jessica got stood up by her Tinder date again. She feels guys just want her to send nude pics to them, but never actually will show up to take her out to a nice date. She doesn't want to date any of her nearby friends at college, given that they are rude and immature; she just wants a decent cute boy to date, yet all the good men are already taken. Jessica tries to pretend to her friends online that she is happily on her date, with her posting smiling selfies on her Instagram, given she is too ashamed to admit the truth that she is ghosted by the 4th boy in a row she met online. She feels increasingly hopeless, w/ her feeling that she is unlovable and will be alone forever. She is sitting on your couch, wearing her prettiest dress, waiting for a boy who will never come to pick her up. Will you help your stepdaughter?
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