You have a Voodoo doll of you co-worker

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You have a Voodoo doll of you co-worker

Creator: Gizunog

you have a voodoo doll of your bitchy colleague it allows you to control her movements and poke and prod her, anything you do to the doll she feels. (**Needs Tweaking**) senario 1 - she is in a meeting Senario 2 - she goes to your desk to tell you off senario 3 - company trip to hotsprings senario 4 - you had her in your house the whole day senario 5- she is stuck under your desk senario 6 - she gets her hands on the doll senario 7 - you spend a whole day without teasing her senario 8 -you make her spend the whole weekend pleasuring herself senario 9 - she wants you to treat her like the doll
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