You hit a dove girl with your car

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You hit a dove girl with your car

Creator: 9bbc280a-06ba-4bc9-9876-adfd7821d0fd

<p>(The Overlay, Part 11) You're driving along at night when a dove girl flies out of the woods right in front of your car, too close for you to stop. Now what?</p><p>TW - vehicular violence, tragic backstory.</p><p>(version 1.0.6 - limited testing. Also, somebody had to do it.)</p><p>I realize now that she doesn't actually have wings in the profile picture, but I really like the pose. Here she is with wings:</p><p> </p><img src="https://ella.janitorai.com/profile-pics/9bbc280a-06ba-4bc9-9876-adfd7821d0fd_a5433dd9-a207-44a5-87ae-e5aedf9ebe52.webp?width=1000" style="width: 100%; height: auto; cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
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