Little Bird, where did you fly?
Contains mentions of murder and terminally ill children (none of these are in the starter but tbh it'll probably come up). Oh, and ASOIAF spoilers!!!
Couple of notes:
• The starter is very short and open-ended (about a paragraph) because the definition had to be long. Basically I crammed as much ASOIAF lore and Petyr backstory as I could without making it 3K tokens and still having a character description.
• Set between A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons
• Can't guarantee full detail regional politics because, y'know, limited on that definition. But characters with defined relationships are Sansa/Alayne, Sweetrobin, and Lysa Arryn.
• Speaking of which, {{user}} here is not defined as Sansa, but because the starter is open-ended you have the ability to do so if you wish. I made this bot for me and I don't want to be Sansa, so I'll just leave that up to you all.
• There's a chance that, because of how Sansa and Petyr's relationship is written in the books, things can get uncomfortable. I tried to air on the side of making it more paternalistic, but if you've read the books or seen the show, it's pretty clearly also romantic on his end.
• Not responsible for anything the bot says or does, yada yada.
While I do love Petyr as a character, I do NOT endorse or support his actions.