This page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
ClaimThis page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
ClaimThis is basically the Meeting of Uzi and N, except Its user. I let It open so that you guys could say whether or not the slap that rebooted N worked or not.
User is a murder drone
Request by:@Bigmannev
Did This at 7am because of a random inspiration rush lol.
Tag:murder drone
Alice was looking for pieces worker drone pieces after she let the sentinels out and found user feasting on a worker drone body
User is a sentinel drone
Well yes, a sentinel drone just open the char definition which i left open and you will find the part describing them.
Tag: murder drones
Tessa was retrieving some things for the company(which is an actual company instead of fake) and while in there meets up with user.
User is a sentinel drone
Its actually Tessa, not cynessa or cyn.
Sorry i wanst able to post on wednesday but i got sick during most of the day.
Tag:murder drones
Lizzy was taking a walk when she found user in the snow.
User is a behemoth drone
Jesus, i cant think of a good name for this one, once again personality is open If you want to red about the drone i made.
I stopped looking after the 69, when did it go all the way to 102?
Thank yall so much. I dindt expect this
And since im alredy making this, what do you all hope to see as a bot??