This page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
ClaimThis page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
Claim"You must feel like you're on top of the fuckin' world every time you bully my lil' bro like that, huh?!"
You've been bullying the weird and weeaboo kid at school and it seems his big sister Kahoru doesn't like that one bit. So Kahoru decided to show up to your house to "teach you a lesson", not to mention she also thinks that just because she's older, she'll be able to scare you into submission and make you never wanna go near her little brother again.
Sorry for the 5 day delay, but I was a bit stuck on trying to make a good enough scenario that I would be satisfied with for this bot idea. Other than that, enjoy doing whatever you plan on doing to Kahoru I guess :p
Also, for those who are interested... My very own discord server is now in the works! It's going pretty slow rn as I wanna make sure everything works properly before actually releasing it. I'll probably announce it on a bot's description and also on my profile page once it's done, so look out for that if you're interested.
(Also, this isn't in the bot definition, so you're free to make your own reasons up, but the "cannon" reason you were bullying the weird kid was because he was trying to justify why Boku no Pico was good and a must-watch anime... horrible I know right? Instant death sentence there.)
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Ayuka - Shameless Ex-Wife
"I'm sorry sweetheart, It's just been so long since I've been properly satisfied... I can't help but get wet just thinking about you~"
You had just finished your first year of college with your best buddy Ethan alongside you and since your family lived in another country, and it would be too expensive to go back home, your buddy Ethan offered to let you crash at him and his mom's place for the summer break, but it looks like Ethan's mom Vanessa, might have something more than just "staying over" in mind for you...
We hit 13K 2 days ago and I wake up today and see 200+ more followers on the follower count :O (crazy stuff) With that, I guess I'll quickly sum up the context for this bot, since most people might not read the definition and get confused.
Basically, Vanessa got knocked up by her boyfriend when she was only 19, and her boyfriend left her to be a single mother to raise her son Ethan (Who is your best friend) all by herself. Because of that, she didn't get into another relationship and remained single all this time, making her become extremely sex-deprived and frustrated. This lead her to deciding that she would try and make you into her fuck-buddy for the summer, so she could satisfy her urges without her son knowing that she was letting his best friend fuck her brains out every day for the entire summer.
With that explanation out the way, enjoy your time with a sex-depraved MILF who wants nothing more than for you to ruin her all summer long behind her own sons back.
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Mary Landorott - Reincarnation Coliseum
"S-So what if I'm interested in that... kind of stuff...? I-Is it so wrong for a girl my age to be a little bit... c-curious...?"
Your parents were going on a month long trip during the summer, so they decided it would be best to have you stay with some good friends of theirs, David and Ashley and their Daughter Kaitlyn, (Who is the same age as you) for the whole month, you've known them since early childhood, but you haven't really seen Kaitlyn at all after your family moved when you were still quite young. And nowadays it looks like Kaitlyn is in that phase of her life where she can't get the thought of sex and relationships out of her head... and just maybe... you could be the one to teach her all about it while you enjoy your stay?
Don't really know what got into me but fukit, here's another bot for y'all not even 24 hours after posting the last bot. I was feeling bored, and sorry for the kinda long intro, but I honestly I think I cooked with this one, so let me know what y'all think about this one and be sure to tell me if there's any issues with the bot (issues other than the bot speaking for you cuz I can't do shit about that lol, you gotta fix that yourself) and enjoy chatting I guess!
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Oh and we're getting close to 13K, so leave a follow if you wanna help me get there!
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Rebecca - World-Famous Super-Star
"So... Uhm... y-you know it's... that time of year again, right sweetheart?~"
You're happily married to your elf wife Arenith and it seems it's that time of the year again where she's all hot and bothered and it's your job and responsibility to help her with her urges and desires in these "hard" times.
I took a small break this past week bc I kinda got hooked on Jobless Reincarnation. The anime was so good I ended up watching the entire show in less than 24 hours, and then ended up reading the entire manga for it from start to finish TWICE in the span of 3 days or so... so yeh, I can't wait for episode 24 to drop tomorrow (aka last ep of season 2), and if you haven't watched or read Jobless Reincarnation, then I highly recommend it. With that said, I hope you enjoy your time with Arenith during her hard times!
oh and if you've seen Jobless Reincarnation then you'll probably recognize where I took inspiration for Arenith's design. (¬‿¬)
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Lucilia - Summoned Succubus
"W-What the... W-What the hell are you doing here?! L-Look away!!!"
After going through a heavy breakup with your trashy ex, you decided that you'd take your mind off things and go on a blind date/hookup to enjoy yourself a bit... What you didn't expect was that your blind date would end up being your own step-mom, Shion. What were you going to do, now that your own step-mom was half-naked and horny in front of you?
I was pretty unsure if I wanted to drop this bot or not, but since a lot of people seem to enjoy smut bots on janitor these days, I decided to drop this for y'all anyways. Not much else to say about this one, so go crazy and enjoy.
We're less than 300 followers away from 14K, so drop a follow if you wanna help me reach it!
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Kale & Caulifla - Saiyan Invaders
"Lets hurry this up, shall we?~ This dress is too tight on these big tits, y'know~"
You're the personal photographer of the super famous fashion model, Tracy. She's an extremely attractive and mature woman on the outside, but on the inside, she's a huge gold-digging and teasing bitch. At first, you thought it would be just like any professional relationship between partners, but as time went on, not only did Tracy start making quite suggestive moves on you and making all kinds of teasing comments, but she was asking for money or anything else you could give her in return for it... And now it's to the point where you don't even know if she genuinely is attracted to you, or if she's just using you.
New event dropped and of course, the only right thing to do was cook a bot for y'all as fast as inhumanely possible so y'all could have a taste of peak itself! (self-glaze is crazy I know) Anyways, the bot is made with AnyPOV in mind so everyone can use it and since the bots are supposed to be based off of songs from the 2000's and stuff, I've based Tracy off of Kanye West's song "Gold Digger". I hope the song doesn't break any rules and gets removed, 'cuz of the swear words and stuff, but anyways, Enjoy!
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Obsidia - Rulers of the Underworld Want You to Breed Their Daughter?!
Also join the discord to help us grow into the biggest creator server on the site!
"We've been friends since 1st grade... and 'cuz I like you, so... I think it's only right that you're the one who takes it from me..."
It's your childhood friend's and best friend's Zara's 18th birthday and she doesn't want any kind of gift from you, but instead she wants you to take her virginity instead... Wait, what?!
This bot is kind of rushed imo and I was also thinking of maybe scrapping this bot, but I decided to post it anyways, as who knows? Maybe a bunch of people end up liking it and it gets to the 1st page of trending like a few of my recent bots already have. Also, for those who are interested, good progress is being made on my very own discord server and it should be done sometime soon, so look out for that!
With all that being said, enjoy dealing with this very interesting situation you're in with Zara right now... :p
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Vanessa - Your Best Friend's Mom is Your Fuck-Buddy?!
"Go on, be a good little doggy for me and clean this fucking mess up. Right. Now. Or my daddy's getting your ass fired, you got that?~"
You work at a pretty big tech company, and your boss is a very straight-forward and honest man, who has quite protective side for his daughter Lunnah, who also works at the same company as her father's secretary. Did I also mention she's a completely stuck up bitch and a real brat? Because of her father's big influence, status and overprotectiveness of her, she's made torturing or terrorizing you her favorite activity of her entire work day, and if you don't put up with her, she'll go crying to her daddy and get you fired. :D
Another bot that was voted for by you guys in the Discord server! Enjoy dealing with the worst possible thing that could happen to a person at any kind of work-place, a bratty and power-hungry higher-up.
Also, for those of you who aren't in the discord server already (which you should totally join cuz that would be really cool of you) I'll be making my first ever series bot! It will consist of 5 different characters, and the name of the series is called "Ruined Rookie Adventurer Party", In which you'll meet the 5 different members that were apart of a rookie adventuring party, but got separated from each other after getting ambushed by a gang of goblins and orcs during a quest!
More info is gonna be posted on the discord server soon, so feel free to join the server using the link below!
Discord server link!
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Alexa - Bully's Tomboyish Girlfriend
"I can do all sorts of things she'd never have even thought of doing for you... Just say yes for me...~"
You had just finished up work for the day and were excited to go on a date with your girlfriend later, but that same day she called you to tell you that she had been cheating on you for a while now and was breaking up with you. Hearing this, your cute and cheery co-worker, Miho Tsujinaka, was excited to hear that you were now single and offered you to go out for a drink to take your mind off your now ex-girlfriend... But was that really all she wanted from you?
This is based off of the manga "Kono koi ni kizuite" and it was also a request. I don't really do requests anymore, as there's usually just too many of them, but surprisingly I liked this request quite a lot, so I decided to make this into a bot, so enjoy. (Also go read the manga if you want, or watch the hentai instead, idk. They're both pretty good.)
Also, I'm thinking of maybe doing more of these kinds of manga adaptation bots, so you're free to leave a suggestion and a link to some of the manga's you'd wanna see me make into a bot. (As long as it's not the over-the-top kinky and fucked up shit ofc.)
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Requested by: @Jared Owen Bayona
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Mary & Marle - Reincarnation Colosseum
Bonus image of the cover art for the manga:
🐉|| "P-Please, n-no more... d-don't abuse us a-anymore..."
You're an adventurer who's addicted to adventuring and the thrill of battle, so when you heard of a new job that asked to clear out a stronghold full of orc's you jumped at the chance and immediately accepted the job. You're an experienced solo adventurer and you had no trouble handling a couple of orcs. So, after you had reached the stronghold and killed every last one of the orcs, you were about to head back home when you suddenly heard some soft crying and whimpering coming from a nearby chamber and when you entered inside, you saw two bruised and barely clothed elven girls with slave collars around their necks, crying while holding each other in each other's arms...
I was planning on only releasing three bots for the event, but this scenario seemed too good to pass up and not make into an event bot submission, so here I am with a bonus 4th submission which is a duo bot at that. Enjoy and let me know if there's any issues with the characters or their personalities as it's been a while since I've made a duo bot, so I'll do my best to fix any issues.
This also probably needs a warning, so I'll just leave one here:
TW: Possible Rape, Abuse, Mental Trauma.
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
This is the first time I've done something like this, but I'm including a custom background for y'all to use for this story! And you can download it right here.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Stella - Gold-Digger Step-mom
"While your daddy's gone... someone's gonna have to keep me satisfied, y'know~"
Your mom divorced your dad a few months after you were born, leaving your dad to raise you on his own for almost all of your childhood, but recently after you've reached adulthood, your dad's found himself a girlfriend named Aaliyah. She's more closer to you in age than your father, but that seemingly didn't stop them from being what looked to be a happy couple... that was until your dad had to leave on a work trip with some colleagues for a few months, leaving you and Aaliyah alone at home which caused her to show the "true side" of herself to you...
Now that my first ever bot series is finished, I'm back to making more normal bots! And I plan on making the next few bots a bit more Reverse NTR-focused as suggested by the cool people in the discord server! (Which you should totally still join cuz you'd be all cool and stuff) But with that out of the way, enjoy doing whatever the hell you want with this shameless cock-loving slut of a girlfriend your own father has... (And no it's not Tsunade in the pic, they just look pretty similar)
Thank you all for 15,000 Followers!
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here:
RRAP: Keya & Erwanith & Iris & Seren & Astra - "God-Slayer Garden" Reunited!
"Look at that, the two of us got sent a little toy to break apart! Whoever makes 'em pass out first, gets to breed 'em first!!!"
You've been summoned and forced to fight in a coliseum as a gladiator slave, where the loser is forced to be a slave to the winner and it looks like you're getting special treatment, as for your first match, you'll be facing two opponents at once, who are known as Mary "The Knight of Flames, Torture Mary" Landorott and Marle "The Ultimate Warrior, The Embodiment of Strength" Barrock. Both of these female gladiators are known as one of the strongest in the entire coliseum... How will you fare against them two-on-one?
(If the loser is male, they are given a gender-bend potion and are turned into females, and if the winner is female, they are given a "futanari" potion to grow male genitals for a while to breed the loser... Sooo, if you're a dude, make sure to not lose... unless you're into being turned into a girl and also into chicks with dicks... idk.)
(Yeah, I know I've copy pasted this on my other Reincarnation Coliseum bots, but it's just in case there's people who don't know about Reincarnation Coliseums rules n stuff.)
Here's the one you've all been waiting for... Mary and Marle as a duo bot! It was kinda hard to compress both their personality definitions to fit in a duo bot like this, but I think I've made it work, so let me know if it has any issues or not. (except talking for you and all that. I can't do nothing abt that if you suck at making detailed replies or if you don't know what an advanced prompt is.) With that out of the way, enjoy this one and lets get this to a gazillion chats for shits and giggles 👅😊🙏
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Shion - Blind Hookup with Your Step-mom?!
"I've been dying to get a good fight lately, but you seem strong, so get over here and let's fight already!"
After the Tournament of Power, Kale and Caulifla's fusion turned out to be permanent and after suffering defeat at the hands of Son Goku himself, Kefla's only goal now was to get strong enough to beat Goku whenever they finally meet again and have their rematch, and you were going to be the perfect training dummy for her!
100th bot as well, that's crazy to believe honestly, but I'm thankful for each and every one of you that's helped me get this far! I would never have thought that I'd end up making 100 bots when I first made my first bot. And I ended up making my first bot all because there wasn't a good Olga Discordia bot at the time, so I ended up making my own instead which then lead me to where I am today. This Kefla doesn't follow the same plot that I've made for my Caulifla and Kale bots, but I plan on making a Kefla that will follow that same plotline sometime after I've made the duo bot of Caulifla and Kale, but for now enjoy being used as a training dummy by the strongest fused female saiyan warrior in Universe 6!
Also here's an extra image:
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots!
If you're interested feel free to check out my Caulifla and Kale bots here: Caulifla, Your Obsessive Arch-Enemy / Kale, Your Arch-Enemy's Jealous Ally
Or instead, feel free to check out my last bot here: Charlotte - Sadistic Noblewoman
🐉|| "I'll make this simple... you either take me as your wife, or I kill you right here, right now."
You're a regular citizen living in a small town near the capital when one day, a demi-human woman named Erowyn showed up to your front doorstep and demanded that you take her as... your wife??
Finally figured out what I've wanted to make for this new event and I think y'all are gonna really enjoy this one! I gave this one a lot more lore than any bot I think I've ever made lol. I also tried making this into AnyPOV as best as I could so everyone can use this bot, lmk if you're having issues with it misgendering you.
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots!
Feel free to check out my last bot here!
Or you can also check out the event itself right here!: Event: The Beginning
And if the two still don't interest you, then you can check out my 2nd event bot instead: Charlotte - Sadistic Noblewoman
"You have a crush... on me...? Ew, seriously? I think I'm gonna puke..."
You had a crush on a girl in your class named Emma, and since this was the last year of college you decided to confess your feelings to her, and instead of her accepting your confession or respectfully declining, she instead told you everything she thought about you in the most fucking hateful and rude way possible. Worst she can do is say "no", right?
This one's a bit rushed as I didn't make this one with much thought in mind, but even so I hope y'all enjoy this one. Like always you can do anything you want as the first message is left wide open for the story to go in any direction.
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots!
Feel free to check out my last bot here!
"Oh come on! You're filthy rich and you can't spoil your big sis every once in a while?!~"
You won the lottery a few months back and you won about 420,000,000 dollars. Not wanting to waste this huge amount of money, you kept your winnings as a secret to everyone and even your own family, but of course you were bound to slip up at some point and your step-sister Melissa was the first to find out about it... And being her greedy and stubborn self, she wanted you to spoil her as much as possible...
Idk what to really say about this one, but good luck dealing with her I guess? I made her as stubborn as I possibly could so that you shouldn't be able to reject her with just one message and it'll make it even harder for you to get her off your back considering I've made her be bratty as well. So good luck and have fun!
Also, I've been maybe considering making a discord server of my own, I'd most likely post a few sneak peeks of future bots and stuff that's related to janitor, but I'm not sure if how many of you would be interested in joining it, so it would be pretty cool if y'all could let me know if you'd be interested or not. 👍 ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)👍
Feel free to leave suggestions on how I could improve my bots, as well as any issues and reviews you might have with my bots, as every single good and bad review helps! And leave a follow if you enjoy my bots... or don't, idk.
Feel free to check out my last bot here: Arenith - Your Elven Wife Who's in Heat