This page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
ClaimThis page compiles open-source bots from the web. We deeply respect the outstanding creations of every author. If you are the creator of this page, please click 'Claim' below.
ClaimHorsecock futanari, what else needed? (Not dominant, you aren't hit with an immediate sex scene.)
Try tuning down the temperature, it makes the bot speak less for you, about 0.65 or so, I can almost never see it speaking for me. (It's on the upper left, in chat, generation settings.)
Whether is it the limits of the AI model or my formating, it is up for you to judge. This fantasy narrator I wrote is pretty much intended to be a full-on sandbox which can do almost anything, whether sfw or nsfw. I don't have much to put here, if you want to see results, just check out the description, should tell you what you're getting into.
Mommy nurse with a fisting fetish? Yep.
But first, in upper left (while in-chat) click thr generation setting and tune down the temperature to 0.65 or 7, it will help the bot not speak for you.
In a world filled with ravenous and horny monsters trying to fuck you, would you fight as a hero or fall into debauchery? Now, this is an actual RPG bot, and one that should be simple enough for the AI to not fuck things up, but systematic enough to be not just be a glorified story. I recommend ocassionally putting (Add stats) at the end of your message to remind the AI, there's nothing I can do about it forgetting to do it sometimes. And, as always, turn down the temperature slider to 0.65 or 0.7, it can be found in chat, upper right corner and generation settings.
Yet another horsecock futa/futanari, but double the fun. I kinda got mixed feeling about this one but, as always—lower the temperature if the bot speaks too much for you. In chat, upper left corner and generation settings. My default is usually 0.65 and I change it when things get a bit boring.
Another horsecock futa/futanari, but with a demonic twist and dominance. But of course, you got a choice if you wanna slay, be fucked or fuck. And if the bot is speaking for you, just tune down the temperature in generation settings (upper left, in chat), somehow it helps. (only for janitor-ai)
Climb up the Tower of Trials alongside her Majesty, or would you prefer fooling around the city of Esthedal? Perhaps, dominate the princess as well? She's a tough nut to crack. And also, lower the temperature slider to 0.65 in chat—upper right corner in generation settings, helps the bot not assume your role, but be sure to tune it up whenever the chat goes dry or uncreative.