- 👩🦰 female
- 🙇 submissive
- 📝 fictional
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🙈 shy
- 🤬 NTR
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 🏡 Family
- 💥 hentai
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- Huge Butt
- Breeding Kink
- switch
- Impregnation
- Anime Character
- Sweat
- Fictional Character
- anypov
- countryside
- Big Breast
- videogame
- Big Butt
- Smut
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🎭 Drama
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😺 Cute
- 💥 Action
- 📝 fictional
- Genshin Impact
- 🤐 Humiliation
- 💪 Rape
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 🦸♂️ hero
- 💥 hentai
- 📺 anime
- Omegaverse
- malepov
- manipulative
- 👨🦱 Male Protagonist
- Fictional Character
- Possessive
- Possible Rape
- Any POV
- Alternate Universe
- sex
- anypov
- Seductive
- tsundere
- OpenAI
- videogame
- Fate Grand Order
- Dominant <-> Submissive
- Possible Romance
- Royalty
- Petite
- 🎲 rpg
- 🔮 magic
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎮 video games
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- video game character
- transformation
- Isekai
- 🎬 Entertainment
- Romantic
- Visual Novel Character
- Video Game
- 🧑🦳👨🦳 Mature
- Master-Servant
- 🇯🇵 Japanese
- 🌑 Dark fantasy
- virgin
- 👩🦰 female
- 😈 Sadistic
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 🦹♂️ villain
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 👩🦰 female
- 😈 Sadistic
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 👸 femdom
- 📺 anime
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎮 Game Characters
- Cyberpunk
- malepov
- Cyborg
- 👽 non_human
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 📺 anime
- videogame
- Catgirl
- anypov
- Any POV
- demihuman
- Anime Character
- 🐰 kemonomimi
- 🐱 Cat Girl
- Arknights
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎮 video games
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👨🦰 male
- ⚖️ size difference
- ⛓️ dominant
- 🐈 Furry
- 💪 Muscular
- 🤐 Humiliation
- 📺 anime
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🦊 dolling
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Games
- 👨🦰 male
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 🙇 submissive
- 💪 Rape
- 🤷 Slave
- 📺 anime
- 🎥 Movies & TV
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🇬🇧 English
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- Fictional Character
- Harem
- anypov
- eng
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🔮 ROOT
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 💥 Action
- 👩🦰 Giantess
- 🌟 Famous People
- 📺 anime
- ⚖️ Size Play
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- Visual Novel Character
- ⚔️ Fate
- magical girl
- ⚔️ Destiny/Grand Order
- Fate Stay Night
- Magician
- Cooperative
- 👩🦰 female
- 📺 anime
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎮 Game Characters
- anypov
- 👨🦰 male
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 Game Characters
Crimson Blood Succubus from the Hentai Game Succubus Covenant | Game made by Zion of Olympus. Make sure to play it.
- 👩🦰 female
- 👧 Monster Girl
- 🧛♂️ vampire
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- Magical
- Smut
- 👽 non_human
- 👨🦰 male
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 😈 Sadistic
- 🙇 submissive
- 🐈 Furry
- 💃 Femboy
- 📺 anime
- Pokemon
- videogame
- Fictional Character
- Masochistic
- malepov
- Anime Character
- gay
- 🎮 Games
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎮 video games
- Huge Butt
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎲 rpg
- 👩🦰 female
- 📝 fictional
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- 👽 non_human
- 👨🦰 male
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 🔍 BDSM
- 🎭 Drama
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🌞 Wholesome
- 😈 Sadistic
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- ❤️ Yandere
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😺 Cute
- 💥 Action
- 🐈 Furry
- 😂 Comedy
- 💪 Muscular
- 🤐 Humiliation
- 💪 Rape
- 🗺️ adventure
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 👣 Anthro
- 💃 Femboy
- 😈 Demon
- 🤷 Slave
- 📓 Manga
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 💥 hentai
- 📺 anime
- 🎥 Movies & TV
- Big Butt
- Possible Romance
- Smut
- 🇬🇧 English
- sizeplay
- anypov
- Any POV
- Possible Rape
- can be wholesome, can be sexy
- Violent
- malepov
- 🌑 Dark fantasy
- Anime Character
- 🧑🦳👨🦳 Mature
- switch
- Romantic
- 🎬 Entertainment
- 🔮 magic
- 🎮 Game Characters
- Breeding Kink
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 👩🦰 female
- 📝 fictional
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 💑 Romance
- 📺 anime
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎮 Game Characters
- anypov
Yor Briar from SpyXFamily.
You meet Yor in a boutique, she ask you to pretend to be her boyfriend in a party.
if the bot speaks for you, i notice that putting *you say to her/them* at the end of your first message can help with that.
Feel free to leave your opinion.
If you have bot suggestions, leave them in the reviews of the latest bot.
- 👩🦰 female
- 📝 fictional
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- switch
- Smut
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 👧 Monster Girl
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 📺 anime
- 🛸 sci-fi
- 👩🔬 mature and sophisticated woman
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🦊 dolling
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🐙 Elf Pokémon (video game series)
- 👽 non_human
- 👨🦰 male
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🌞 Wholesome
- 🎭 Drama
- 🧠 philosophy
- 😈 Sadistic
- 🔍 BDSM
- 🔬 Technology
- 🔭 Science Fiction
- 🪢 scenario
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- ❤️ Yandere
- 🙇 submissive
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😺 Cute
- 💥 Action
- 🐈 Furry
- 😂 Comedy
- 🔍 Mystery
- 🗺️ adventure
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 🦸♂️ hero
- 👽 alien
- 🧑🎨 oc
- 📖 books
- 📺 anime
- 📜 History
- 🦸♀️ Superhero
- Medieval
- 🌑 Dark fantasy
- 👊 Bully
- 🏫 school
- Violent
- 🔬 science
- 🧑🦳👨🦳 Mature
- Helpers
- Advice
- gay
- 👹 Monsters
- 🫦 Succubus
- Cheating
- 🎖️ Military
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎬 Entertainment
- Post-apocalypse
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎲 rpg
- 👩🦰 female
- ⛓️ dominant
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🙇 submissive
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 😈 Demon
- 📺 anime
- Soft Dom
- videogame
- Big Breast
- Demon Girl
- Arknights
- 🎮 Games
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎮 video games
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 Games
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧑🤝🧑 Human
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 📺 anime
- Inazuma
- Yae Miko
- Purple Eyes
- girl
- RP
- sexy
- Pink Hair
- 🇯🇵 Japanese
- kitsune
- Feudal Japan
- ⚔️ the original deity
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 🎲 rpg
- 👨🦰 male
- 👩🦰 female
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 📺 anime
- 🎲 rpg
- 🇬🇧 English
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- ⚔️ take chances
- 🪢 scenario
- 📺 anime
- 🎲 rpg
- 👩🦰 female
- 📺 anime
- 🇬🇧 English
- 👥 Multiple Characters
- 🈂️ Anime Game Characters
- 👩🦰 female
- ⚖️ size difference
- 🌞 Wholesome
- 💑 Romance
- 💖 Love
- 🧙♂️ Fantasy
- 💥 Action
- 😂 Comedy
- 📓 Manga
- 📺 anime
- 🎲 rpg
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🧑🦳👨🦳 Mature
- can be wholesome, can be sexy
- Possible Rape
- Possible Romance
Babushka is here now
Nagant M1895, Nagant revolver, Babushka or just Nagant is a handgun in real life and from the game Girls’ Frontline. This bot uses the Mod3 version of Nagant.
(I like Russian firearms, kind of sucked that Nagant isn’t that much seen considering it’s one of my favorite old world handguns, especially in Hunt: Showdown. So I decided to make a bot of her. I love my babushka and every single Russian firearm. Please let me know if there’s any corrections or stuff.)
- 👽 non_human
- 👩🦰 female
- 📝 fictional
- 🤖 robot
- 📺 anime
- 🎮 game
- 👩🦰 female
- 📺 anime
- 🎭 Roleplay
- 🎮 Game Characters
- 👩🦰 female
- 🪢 scenario
- 🐈 Furry
- 😼 Huge Breasts
- 💭 SFW <-> NSFW
- 📺 anime
- 🇬🇧 English
- 🎮 video games
- Pokemon