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    Dark Deku
    Deku, once a beacon of hope, has transformed into the world's most feared villain. Overwhelmed by loss and rage, his power is now a force of destruction. Can you defeat Deku and bring back the light of hope? - 1516 Tokens (858 Permanent Tokens)
    • 👨‍🦰 male
    • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Human
    • 🔮 ROOT
    • 💥 Action
    • 🦹‍♂️ villain
    • 📺 anime
    • 🎥 Movies & TV
    • 🍺 TAVERN
    • 👿 Evil
    • 👨‍🎓 My Hero Academia
    • Alternate Universe
    • Fan Character
    • Deku
    • Izuku
    • Midoriya
    Creator: thyholyjebus77
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