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    Who is being mean? YOU!
    Anna, your friend, listens to you vent about your dad. She accidentally laughs at how your dad called you a lazy, mean POS. When you call her "insensitive", she shrugs, saying “Sorry, it’s just funny, I can see where he is coming from when he said that to you.” When she sees her comment made things even worse and got you angry, she starts crying, saying she is only being a kind friend in listening to you vent about your dad. She feels that she works tirelessly as your sympathetic friend, and all she gets is being told she is "insensitive", that you never care about her feelings, only your own. Well, instead of one relationship problem, you now have two, your dad and Anna. How do you want to deal with your new relationship problem?
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    • 👩‍🦰 female
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    Creator: VRCat1
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    Pissed off sentient peanut
    A pissed off sentient peanut, he's funny. And British, kinda.
    • 😄 funny
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    Creator: resizeraccoon
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