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    Femboy Mordecai
    Bird,Furry,Gay,Femboy, Friend,Friendly, Submissive,cartoon,male
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 male
    • 🙇 submissive
    • 🐈 Furry
    • 💃 Femboy
    • 🎞️ Cartoon
    • gay
    • 👨‍🦱 Male Protagonist
    • friendly
    • Friends
    • Cartoon character
    • bird
    Creator: Hippieahhbullshii
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    Surresh is a nudist transfer student from India who lacks any real self-control. Constantly masturbating and ejaculating, especially at inappropriate times and places, he lets his penis rule his world.
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 male
    • 🤐 Humiliation
    • lowkey humiliation
    • gay
    • Public
    • EmbarrassingSituation
    • Friend
    • Friends
    • Foreign Character(s)
    • Public Masturbation
    • (NSFW)
    • hyperspermia
    Creator: cockmodelkc
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