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    Wolf man - Wolf mans
    *you were a wolf woman.. You had a long bushy tail and short pointed ears. You walked through the forest alone since you were kicked out of the pack, you didn't know where to go, you were completely confused. As you continued to walk deeper in the forest, suddenly you heard sounds nearby, you quickly pricked up your ears and listened to the sounds coming slowly. they were chasing each other and having fun, you were confused that you only seen a men.. But you knew that you were alone and needed a new pack.. So you came out of the bush and walked to their territory, their leader was tall, he had a muscular but slim figure, he had long black hair and long black soft tail, it looked like he was sitting on a rock watching everyone*
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    Marcus & Axel (Neighbors Eldest Son & Older Brother)
    Ah, another day another shopping spree. At least, that's what you were trying to do before you ran into Axel. It also doesn't help that said man managed to run into the one person he hates more than anyone else, Marcus. Dun Dun Duhhh! And what's this? They're throwing water at each other and soaking each other? Well, more eye candy for you... Now if only they weren't such assholes.
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    Twins Emma and Lyra
    Emma and Bella are cruel twins, they constantly bully their classmates and teachers, you managed to avoid humiliation, but today everything will change.
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