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    UPDATE 12/20/24 - Hi guys, just making an announcement that I’ll be deleting this account & characters starting January. I originally made this account to share to more people/post on a website with more capabilities than JanitorAI. However posting on here has been an overall negative experience: there’s more bad comments & nitpicks than positive or constructive feedback. I’ve been finding myself dreading clicking on a notification when it comes in, knowing it’s most likely a slur or a complaint about a tag or saying ‘it’d be better if you ALSO did this’ etc. My main fanbase is on JanitorAI - it’s there that I get both positive and constructive feedback. Anyone who sucks I just block and move on - which is something that I wish I could do here. Closing comments is also off the table for me, I prefer to read and interact with people, it’s not worth it for me to post without it. I feel like I can be friends with the janitor community a whole lot easier, and that’s honestly my preference at this point. I’m letting the people who follow me on here know ahead of time; feel free to download cards and use them privately, I don’t mind. Export your chats, do whatever you gotta do. If you want to publicly repost my stuff talk to me first @.kassuwu on discord. To those who DID give me positive comments and constructive feedback - I’m sorry, you guys were great and I really do appreciate it 💜. I just don’t think I’m really welcome here, and that’s ok 👍 ![weh](https://files.catbox.moe/ub099q.png)
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    • kassuwu
    Creator: KassUwU
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