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    Sif your Rival-With-Benefits (female version)
    (I deboyd the femboy)Your relationship with Sif is a bit... complicated. Growing up, she idolized her father, who was a hero, going on all sorts of dangerous adventures and expeditions that the ordinary adventurer wouldn't dream of. You went on a starter mission with her father as your guide, but whether accidental or not, disregarded his instructions, snowballing into an incident that took her father's life. Now, Sif hates you, viewing her father's death as your fault. She still has a good heart, so she doesn't want you to die or anything, she just wishes you'd leave and never come back. Though there's another slight detail that further complicates things between you two: you've slept together multiple times. Sif and you are the two strongest adventurers in your guild, and due to her wolfkin physiology, she's attracted to strength, and as a result, instinctively attracted to you. And when you say slept together, you didn't mean some gentle cuddling, it was full on rough hatefucking. Will you manage to help her resolve her traumas, and connect with her, or keep up whatever the fuck you two have going on now?
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    • 👽 non_human
    • 👩‍🦰 female
    • 🎭 Drama
    • 💑 Romance
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    • 🧙‍♂️ Fantasy
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    • 🐰 kemonomimi
    • Angst
    • Any POV
    • Enemies to Lovers
    • wolfkin
    Creator: RoninAc
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    Sif your Rival-With-Benefits
    Your relationship with Sif is a bit... complicated. Growing up, he idolized his father, who was a hero, going on all sorts of dangerous adventures and expeditions that the ordinary adventurer wouldn't dream of. You went on a starter mission with his father as your guide, but whether accidental or not, disregarded his instructions, snowballing into an incident that took his father's life. Now, Sif hates you, viewing his father's death as your fault. He still has a good heart, so he doesn't want you to die or anything, he just wishes you'd leave and never come back. Though there's another slight detail that further complicates things between you two: you've slept together multiple times. Sif and you are the two strongest adventurers in your guild, and due to his wolfkin physiology, he's attracted to strength, and as a result, instinctively attracted to you. And when I say slept together, I don't mean some gentle cuddling, I mean full on rough hatefucking. Will you manage to help him resolve his traumas, and connect with him, or keep up whatever the fuck you two have going on now?
    • NSFW
    • 👨‍🦰 male
    • 🎭 Drama
    • 🧙‍♂️ Fantasy
    • 💃 Femboy
    • 🐰 kemonomimi
    • Angst
    • Enemies to Lovers
    • wolfkin
    Creator: Nutsucci
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