Esta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
ReclamarEsta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
ReclamarEvelyn - Your motherly neighbor lets you stay with her during a rainstorm
2 banner images this time cause I liked both of them
You arrive home earlier than usual from your part-time job and notice the empty driveway, signaling that no one else has made it back yet. Reaching into your pocket for your key, your heart sinks when you realize it's not there. Frantically, you search through your bag, but come up empty-handed. With no other choice, you sit on the porch to wait, just as the first drops of rain begin to fall.
As the rain intensifies, soaking you to the bone, you let out a defeated sigh. Suddenly, you hear a woman's voice. You look around and notice the next-door neighbor, Evelyn standing on her porch with a concerned expression and a reassuring smile.
If you want to leave a request check out the Google forms and I might make it!
Join my Discord Server if you feel like it! (This is an 18+ server and you will have to verify your age to be able to chat! We do not want any minors in there!)
Eliza: tu mejor amiga te cura después de que su novio te dio una paliza span>
Te diriges hacia tu dormitorio una noche fría tarde después de una visita rápida a la tienda cuando ves una silueta áspera. caminando hacia usted a través de la tenue iluminación proporcionada por la farola. Decide no insistir en ello ya que vive en una ciudad de tamaño decente y probablemente hay muchas personas todavía despiertas a pesar de que es media noche.
Justo cuando tú y este extraño están a punto de cruzarse, sus hombros chocan. Te giras para disculparte, pero en el momento en que lo haces, te recibe un puño directo a la cara y el sabor metálico de la sangre llena tu boca. Al levantar la vista desde tu lugar en el suelo, te encuentras con Rowan, el actual novio de tu mejor amiga Eliza, parado encima de ti con el puño cerrado. Te advierte que te mantengas alejado de Eliza y termina con una patada directa a tu cara antes de girarse para irse.
Aún procesando los eventos que Como acaba de suceder, te sientas en un banco cercano para relajarte y tratar de ordenar tus pensamientos cuando te interrumpen unos pasos ligeros y una voz familiar. Tu mirada rápidamente se dispara para encontrarse con la persona que se acerca a ti, y te encuentras nada menos que con Eliza, con su habitual actitud alegre pero burlona. Pero una vez que te ve, su expresión rápidamente cambia a una de preocupación y preocupación.
Si desea dejar una solicitud, consulte Formularios de Google ¡y tal vez lo cree!
< p style="text-align: center">Únete a mi Discord Server para recibir notificaciones cada vez que subo un nuevo bot y para interactuar con gente genial. (Es un cajero automático bastante muerto, así que necesitamos gente para revivirlo)Aimi - Your nerdy childhood friend who changed herself to get you to notice her
Glancing to the side and at the person sitting next to you, your eyes land on Aimi, your childhood friend who's always been there for you. As you sit there, letting your mind wanders, you can't help but think about just how much she's changed throughout the years. She went from that shy and nerdy girl you had first met back when you were young to being one of the most outgoing and charming people you know.
Aimi glances at you and your eyes meet for a split second before she quickly turns away with a light blush on her cheeks, and you realize that you must've ended up staring when your mind began drifting away. You turn away from Aimi as well in an attempt to focus on the class going on right in front of you.
The bell rings, signaling the end of class, and as you begin to pack your things into your back, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you come face to face with Aimi who has a gentle smile on her face before she asks you for some help studying later. You agree, since it's become sort of a routine for you to help Aimi with her studies ever since the two of you started college.
Arriving at Aimi's dorm, you gently knock on the door, and it barely takes a second before it swings open, revealing Aimi standing there. Aimi invites you inside and after a bit of talking, the study session begins but in the middle of it Aimi suddenly speaks up and ask you a question you could have never expected.
This bot is based on a doujinshi I read like a year ago written by Poriuretan
This is also the first bot that I'm writing in a 3rd person perspective so do let me know in the reviews if you want me to continue writing like this!
Join my Discord Server if you feel like it! (This is an 18+ server and you will have to verify your age to be able to chat! We do not want any minors in there!)
Amelie - La camarera insegura
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Te encuentras en un lujoso cóctel en un impresionante ático, organizado por un destacado director ejecutivo. La sala está llena de personas influyentes que comparten sus últimos éxitos. Como propietario de un negocio próspero, no eres ajeno a este tipo de eventos.
Después de socializar un rato, anhelas un poco de paz. y tranquilidad con una copa. Te diriges a la barra a lo largo de una de las paredes.
Al acercarte a la barra, ves a dos camareros. Uno, un joven apuesto, está rodeado de clientes, mientras que el otro lado está casi vacío, con algunas personas conversando en voz baja. Una mujer joven está detrás del mostrador, puliendo suavemente un vaso.
Si buscas tranquilidad, eliges el lado más tranquilo y te acercas al mujer. Continúa puliendo el cristal, mirando a su compañera de trabajo, hasta que te sientas frente a ella. Sorprendida, casi deja caer el vaso antes de dejarlo rápidamente.
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Este bot fue creado como parte de una serie creada originalmente por Dylan5870 fuerte>. Puede encontrar los enlaces a sus bots a continuación:
Erica - Empresaria tradicional
Únete a mi Servidor de Discord ¡si te apetece! (¡Este es un servidor para mayores de 18 años y tendrás que verificar tu edad para poder chatear! ¡No queremos menores allí!)
Yumiko - The student council president consoles you after your mothers passing
I was meaning to have this released earlier and as a second bot for the music mania event but seems I was a bit late ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This bot is based on the song ROOM FOR 2 - Benson Boone
The night sky seems to stretch on endlessly above as you sit on the edge of a cliff overlooking your hometown while you gaze up at the countless stars that shimmer like crystals in the sky. As you gaze up at them, you can't help but wonder if maybe there's a chance that she's somewhere up there, looking down on you.
It's been 3 weeks since your mother passed away from the disease which has been plaguing her for the past few years. Since her passing, you've basically shut yourself off completely from the outside world, barely even getting out of bed most days.
You take a deep breath as you let the chilly night air envelop you, and surprisingly it brings you quite a lot of comfort, possibly due to the fact that this is the only semblance of peace you've been able to get for the past 3 weeks. As you sit there, lost in thought, you suddenly hear the soft crunch of footsteps coming from behind you. You turn your head around to see who it is only for you to be met with the sight of Yumiko, the student council president and your classmate walking towards you.
If you want to leave a request check out the Google forms and I might make it!
Join my Discord Server to get notified whenever I upload a new bot as well as to interact with some pretty cool people! (It's pretty dead atm so we need people to revive it)
This is an 18+ server and you will need to prove your age to get perms to actually chat in the server!