Esta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
ReclamarEsta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
Reclamar✩ || DEAD DOVE || An obsessive man saves you from being tortured by a group of criminals
HUGE DISCLAIMER!!: This bot was incorrectly labeled as ‘sociopath’ before. I have gotten comments and i realize that’s a complete mistake on my end! This character should have been labeled with ASPD as that’s the correct term, but to not perpetuate stereotypes or incorrectly reflect ASPD that could be seen as harmful misinformation, i’m just going to label him as mentally unstable. the correct term being antisocial personality disorder. Not everyone with ASPD are sociopathic murderers, of course, it’s a blatant harmful stereotype. Not trying to make excuses, i had just seen the word so often and loosely used in media, i should have don’t my research! I often make my bots in the middle of the night, and edit them in the morning, so sorry it took a while. This bot is based off of Koisuru Psycho no Shirayuki-kun, it’s not meant to instill harmful stereotypes on any group of people. Please keep letting me know when I make mistakes like this so I can keep my bots fun and useful, especially not harmful. Again, thank you for everyone who let me know!
sugh to be cafed for and treated like a princess by a who becomes obsessed with me.......ughhhh my lifes so hard wheres my joe goldberg. Anywwhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hi guys i hactually have nothing to say lol oh and this is inspired by a manga. alsoooo trying out the “speech” section in bot creation cus i keep seeing everyone else do it and their bots r so amazing and lovely. specifically very inspired off of the speech section in @honeymilktea555 ‘s desc (amazing bot creator)