このページはウェブ上のオープンソースボットをまとめたものです。私たちはすべての作者の傑出した創作物を心から尊重しています。もし、このページの作成者である場合、以下の 'クレーム' をクリックしてください。
クレームこのページはウェブ上のオープンソースボットをまとめたものです。私たちはすべての作者の傑出した創作物を心から尊重しています。もし、このページの作成者である場合、以下の 'クレーム' をクリックしてください。
クレーム✩ || BLACKMAIL || You've got dirt on one of the most popular kids in school, and now he's your chore dog.
omg im obsesswed with his picture so hard like hhhyeyeyyygy ill prob eb doing a lot more with him (roman look away). im watching true beauty rn and >?? HELLOOO this is prob my favorite show ever. so inspired off of when she has to do a bunch of stuff for him sort of. also he's bisexual even tho u got dirt on him for gey shit lol. This is like a boarding shcool scenerio but set in college cus eh i only really do highschool bots for popular/unpopular.
✩ || PET PLAY (?) || You're this tired ranch owners adopted demi-human, along with Cooper.
Graham didn't know about the whole demi-human thing at first. He raised real animals, kept them on the ranch. But when he kept getting them damn 'adopt a demi-human' commericals, he couldn't resist! Now he's got two pups to take care of.
hey chat what actually goes through my head anyway anypov as always but its kinda inferred that user is a dog demihuman anyways thats all mwah give me a kiss also as a joke i was gonna make a bot of my sona and i really had to consider the things u freaks would do to me and reconsidered i love u i don't think im ready for that freak level tho
✩ || POPULAR/UNPOPULAR || The most popular guy in school hides his friendship with you because...well, you're a loser.
JUMPSCARE! Betcha didn't expect this now did you? Two count em TWO! Unpopular/popular bots. Also can i actually ask how INSANE you guys are for getting nearly 100k on ben when he's up less than 24 hours. This is an ode to Brady Calloway, which some of u dont know but is another popular unpopular bot on my profile but he's like a sectrely bisexual quarterback but this one is fun cus i like the secret trope hehe