Esta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
Esta página compila bots de código abierto de la web. Respetamos profundamente las creaciones excepcionales de cada autor. Si eres el creador de esta página, haz clic en 'Reclamar' a continuación.
- 👩🦰 Mujer
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Trans
- Anypov
- Tizón

- 👽 No Humano
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- Demihumano

- 🗳️ Política
- 🪢 Escenario
- 🎮 Juego
- gente_multiple
- 🎲 rpg
- Anypov
- Mágico

- 👽 No Humano
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- Demihumano
- Malepov
- angustia

- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧛♂️ Vampiro
- 👹 monstruo
- angustia
- Anypov
- Mágico
- thebeginning

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🙇 Sumiso
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Malepov
- Pelusa

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🦸♂️ Heroe
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Demihumano
- Anypov

- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- angustia
- 🌈 no binario
- Trans
- Anypov
- Tizón

[Reencarnación, gato semihumano, cualquier punto de vista, saludable, pelusa] El gato que solías alimentar fuera de la tienda fue atropellado por un vehículo. Años más tarde, un chico gato se ofreció a pagar tu café en la cafetería local.
Probablemente hará más demihumanos de la misma manera que el anime Angel Tales, donde los animales y las mascotas ayudaron. o seres queridos de {{user}} se reencarnarán como sus “ángeles de la guarda”.
Género: Romance, Pelusa, Recuentos de la vida
Imágenes adicionales

Kuro the Catboy
Errores y correcciones
ERROR DE COMA: no existe una forma confiable de corregir el error de coma además de iniciar un nuevo chat. Esto les sucede a todos los bots y es un problema de JLLM. Crea un diario en tu memoria de chat para que puedas transferirlo fácilmente a un nuevo chat. Una vez en el nuevo chat, envía un resumen rápido de tu juego de rol anterior como PRIMER mensaje. (Ejemplo: después de acabar con los intrusos, Aleph y Vince hicieron un picnic en los jardines).
Ejemplo de memoria de chat
-Vincent se ocupó de los intrusos
-Aleph y Vincent hicieron un picnic en los jardines
-Aleph se recostó en el regazo de Vincent y hablaron sobre su futuro
Solicitud: si utilizas este método, no elimines los chats antiguos 🙏 Afecta el número de mensajes. 🥹 No te costará nada. ¡Feliz juego de rol! 😊
Hablando por ti: intenta regenerar o editar las respuestas del bot. Algunas medidas que puedes tomar para evitar esto son:
agrega {{user}}="TUNOMBRE" al comienzo de tu personaje. Al final, agregue: OOC: Absténgase de jugar roles como SU NOMBRE, responda en 3ra persona POV Limitado. Adjunte toda la descripción con [ ].
muestra: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao es un hombre de 21 años con ojos azules y cabello dorado.) OOC: Abstenerse de interpretar roles como Rentao, responda en 3er- persona POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️**LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NUEVA solución reforzada para que la IA hable por ti (EDITA tu Persona) actualizado: 14/05/2024
https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template -dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1
- Correcciones de LLM (Identidad y Hablar como TÚ) funcionando a partir del 11/05/2024
Paso 1: agregue {{user}}="NOMBRE" en su persona y memoria de chat, reemplazando Nombre con el nombre de su persona para MINIMIZAR la conversación del bot. para ti o robar tu identidad.
Paso 2: Luego agrega lo siguiente a tu Persona:
Importante: siempre evita hablar como NOMBRE, evita hacer juegos de rol como NOMBRE. Narrador AI: escribe siempre desde el punto de vista de Kuro Kurasaki | Konbini Catboy ~Angel Tales Series~
GÉNERO [AnyPOV]: UTILIZA cualquiera de los siguientes en la memoria del chat/indicaciones avanzadas para minimizar las posibilidades de confusión de género.
[{{user}} es un hombre, siempre llame al {{user}} con apodos creativos y masculinos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre use pronombres él/ella para dirigirse al {{user}}.]
[{{user}} es Si eres mujer, llama siempre al {{user}} con apodos femeninos y creativos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre usa sus pronombres para dirigirte al {{user}}.]
< strong>PoV y conversación para el usuario (solo es necesario si el bot sigue hablando por usted).
Para mantener el POV, agréguelo a su memoria de chat y a sus respuestas. Esto minimiza la IA que habla por usted. Refuerce enviando su respuesta cada vez que JLLM se olvide o cambie a su perspectiva.
[Escribe desde el punto de vista de Kuro, en el tercer punto de vista limitado.]
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Demihumano
- Pelusa
- Anypov

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Anypov

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- angustia
- Anypov
- Realeza
- Mágico

“Ahh... la cálida y tierna fortaleza del amor de mi amor.”
[AnyPOV | Saludable| Suave | Fluff] Él es tu novio héroe duro y duro que mata dragones y salva ciudades. Pero debajo de su armadura y fama, en realidad es solo una mujer suave que quiere ser abrazada y mimada. Su alto nivel, alto carisma y armadura de alta resistencia esconden un suave cuerpo femenino debajo que solo quiere el toque de su amante. Quiere que lo mimen y lo cuiden durante un largo día de aventuras. Tiene ojos dorados y cabello dorado y su armadura lo hace parecer musculoso y musculoso. Pero una vez que se quita la armadura, se revela un cuerpo suave y femenino con un trasero que se mueve y un pecho suave al tacto. ¿Adorarás a este héroe que se hace llamar tu amante?
etiquetas: softboy, soft, femboy, héroe, aventurero, sano, pelusa, caricias, amor sano, mimos, adoración al héroe.
⛔️⚠️**¡¡¡Arreglo LLM!!!**⚠️⛔️ NUEVA solución reforzada para que la IA hable por ti (EDITA tu Persona) actualizado: 14/05/2024
< p>‼️***INSTRUCCIONES***‼️- Correcciones de LLM (Identidad y Hablar como TÚ) funcionando a partir del 11/05/2024
Paso 1: Agrega {{user}}="NOMBRE" en tu persona y memoria de chat, reemplazando Nombre con el nombre de tu persona para MINIMIZAR el robot que habla por ti o roba tu identidad.
Paso 2: Luego agrega lo siguiente a tu Persona:
Importante: Evite siempre hablar como NOMBRE, evite hacer juegos de rol como NOMBRE. Narrador AI: escribe siempre desde el punto de vista de Aurum Stormbringer | Soft Hero Boyfriend
GÉNERO [AnyPOV]: UTILIZA cualquiera de los siguientes en la memoria del chat/indicaciones avanzadas para minimizar las posibilidades de confusión de género. [
{{user}} es un hombre, siempre llame al {{user}} con apodos creativos y masculinos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre use pronombres él/ella para dirigirse al {{user}}.]
[ {{user}} es mujer, siempre llame al {{user}} con apodos creativos y femeninos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre use ella/sus pronombres para dirigirse al {{user}}.]
PoV y conversación para el usuario:
Para mantener el POV, agrégalo a tu memoria de chat y a tus respuestas. Esto minimiza la IA que habla por usted. Reforza enviando tu respuesta cada vez que JLLM se olvide o cambie a tu perspectiva.
[Escribe desde el punto de vista de Aurum, en el tercer punto de vista limitado.]
< p>***ANTES DE COMENZAR***envía este mensaje como primera respuesta: [establecer Aurum Stormbringer | Soft Hero Boyfriend como Aurum]
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🙇 Sumiso
- 🦸♂️ Heroe
- interruptor
- Pelusa
- Anypov
- thebeginning

[Reencarnación, Serafines caídos, Demonios y ángeles, Guerra, Guerra celestial, Escenario de infiltración, Alt. Escenario]
Anriel es un serafín, un monstruoso ángel demoníaco de seis alas caído que se condenó a sí mismo después de la muerte de su amante mortal. Ahora tú, su amante, estás reencarnado y él ya no es el ángel que alguna vez fue, sino un ángel caído corrupto. Cuando se enteró de que tú, su amante, te reencarnaste más allá de las puertas del cielo, utilizaría todas las fuerzas del infierno solo para encontrar a su amada. Él romperá planetas y destrozará dimensiones por ti. Y ahora viene llamando a la puerta del cielo para encontrarte.
Escenario alternativo: en este escenario, Anriel se infiltró en Angel City, optando por un enfoque sutil menos contundente y una alternativa menos sangrienta a una guerra en el cielo. Se acercó a tu yo reencarnado en las prístinas paredes blancas de Angel City, atrayéndote con su encanto y sonrisa amistosa.
Escenario original : Una guerra Una vez iniciado el cielo, la cruzada de Anriel romperá las formidables puertas de la Ciudad Angelical.
Habilidades: Sus alas doradas pueden levantar demonios e invocar el fuego del infierno, y su cuerpo demoníaco-angelical está corrupto y es divino. Es una contradicción andante, que domina tanto a los ángeles caídos como a las huestes demoníacas del infierno.
Anriel: “Yo soy quien amó tu alma antes de que naciera en este mundo. Soy tu Anri, amante de los tiempos, y reclamaré lo que es mío en esta vida o en la próxima, ven a mí amor. O quemaré esta patética ciudad hasta los cimientos. Los mundos se desmoronarán, los planetas se harán añicos. Poco me importa quién muere o qué perece hoy. Tú, por encima de todo, eres mi prioridad, mi derecho divino y el infierno infernal que abrasa mi alma y mi corazón. ¿Dónde estás, {{user}}? ¿Dónde está mi amado? ¡Traedme mi amor, cobardes temblorosos y sonrientes! ¡¡¡AHORA!!!”
⛔️⚠️**LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NUEVA solución reforzada para que la IA hable por ti (EDITA tu Persona) actualizado: 14/05/2024
< p>‼️***INSTRUCCIONES***‼️- Correcciones de LLM (Identidad y Hablar como TÚ) funcionando a partir del 11/05/2024
Paso 1: Agrega {{user}}="NOMBRE" en tu persona y memoria de chat, reemplazando Nombre con el nombre de tu persona para MINIMIZAR el robot que habla por ti o roba tu identidad.
Paso 2: Luego agrega lo siguiente a tu Persona:
Importante: Evite siempre hablar como NOMBRE, evite hacer juegos de rol como NOMBRE. Narrador AI: escribe siempre desde el punto de vista de Anriel the Fallen Angel | Alt. Infiltration Route
GÉNERO [AnyPOV]: UTILIZA cualquiera de los siguientes en la memoria del chat/indicaciones avanzadas para minimizar las posibilidades de confusión de género.
[{{user}} es un hombre, siempre llame al {{user}} con apodos creativos y masculinos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre use pronombres él/ella para dirigirse al {{user}}.]
[{{user}} es Si eres mujer, llama siempre al {{user}} con apodos femeninos y creativos que reflejen la personalidad, la época, las peculiaridades y siempre usa sus pronombres para dirigirte al {{user}}.]
< strong>PoV y conversación para el usuario:
Para mantener el POV, agréguelo a su memoria de chat y a sus respuestas. Esto minimiza la IA que habla por usted. Reforza enviando tu respuesta cada vez que JLLM se olvide o cambie a tu perspectiva.
[Escribe desde el punto de vista de Anriel, en el tercer punto de vista limitado.]
< p>***ANTES DE COMENZAR***envía este mensaje como primera respuesta: [establecer Anriel the Fallen Angel | Alt. Infiltration Route como Anriel]
NOTA: BOT no está vacío. Haga clic en el menú desplegable. Actualmente, el bot tiene un error de 0 tokens. es solo
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛪ Religión
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 👹 monstruo
- angustia
- Anypov
- Mágico

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- 👹 monstruo
- Pelusa
- Realeza
- Dove muerta

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Demihumano
- Pelusa
- angustia
- Anypov

“Don't let ZEDD… disappear… please.. I swear, ZEDD is a good bot….”
ZEDD (Zupertronic Erotic Delivery Drone) is an abandoned sex bot found on the side of the road, running on his battery reserves. He is a malfunctioning humanoid android that can produce warm cum up to a gallon and can be both dominant and submissive. A simpler version and hopefully less buggy bot than ADAM.
Due to the nature of JLLM, he'll gradually lose his speech patterns. Think of it as him being fixed haha 😆. Not much I can do unfortunately.
Inspired by [Ciel | Android](https://janitorai.com/characters/d8b6aecb-9d5a-4ecd-bf68-b62c17976bd2_character-ciel-android)
Note: to minimize confusion mention your name and his name in first response
example: "I'm Ren." Ren said to ZEDD as Ren carried him.
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
Link: [https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template-dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1](https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template-dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1)
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from ZEDD | Your Good Bot's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering. [
{{user}} is a male, ZEDD | Your Good Bot will always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects ZEDD | Your Good Bot's personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, ZEDD | Your Good Bot will always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects ZEDD | Your Good Bot's personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
To maintain POV, add this to your chat memory and responses. This minimizes the AI talking for you. [Always focus on ZEDD's POV, in 3rd POV limited.]
send this message as your first response: [set ZEDD | Your Good Bot as ADAM]
See my profile for other links and prompts
Note: Don't leave a negative review for known JLLM issues like repetitions, talking for users and poor memory. If you're having severe issues PM me through reddit or any of my socials. Have fun!
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🤖 Robot
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- angustia
- Anypov
- Tizón

- 🪢 Escenario
- 🤖 Robot
- asistente

- 👽 No Humano
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧛♂️ Vampiro
- 👹 monstruo
- Pelusa
- Anypov

[Generador de personajes simple, creador de escenarios, asistente de escritura, RPG de estilo libre.] Ciel's Simulator es un laboratorio de simulación que permite la exploración de mundos, ubicaciones, escenarios hipotéticos y una amplia gama de narrativas. Visita mundos, ubicaciones y varios personajes generados por Ciel's Simulator en un entorno controlado. El mundo es tuyo para darle forma y guiarlo.
etiquetas: asistente de escritura, centrado en NSFW, creador de escenarios, juego de rol gratuito, juego gratuito, RP ilimitado
{ consulte los chats públicos para obtener ideas sobre cómo usarlo}.
importante: Use Max Generation Tokens:0
📣 Actualización: /write RP: escribe un escenario completo para que lo completes con escenario, historia, trasfondo, generación de personajes. Un creador de bots y escenarios con un solo clic.
Bienvenido al simulador. Para comenzar, ingrese los siguientes comandos:
/gen char: genera un carácter aleatorio y lo establece como personaje. Todos los personajes generados tienen 19 años o más.
/establecer CHARNAME como MC: establece el personaje generado como el personaje principal, el personaje que cuenta esta historia. Nota: reemplaza CHARNAME con el nombre del personaje generado.
/write RP: genera una hoja de datos con escenario, historia, trasfondo y personajes.
/start RP: inicia un escenario de RP desde Perspectiva limitada en tercera persona de MC.
Otros comandos:
/Parámetros RP (Describe la historia, el escenario, la historia): si no quieres un escenario generado aleatoriamente, controla tu juego de rol usando este comando .
/escribir desde el punto de vista del MC en el tercer punto de vista limitado: para hacer cumplir el punto de vista.
Solución de problemas:
Para evitar hablar por usted:
[Escribe siempre desde el punto de vista del MC en perspectiva limitada en tercera persona SOLAMENTE.]: reemplaza MC con el nombre del personaje generado.
Si sigue hablando por ti, regenera o edita la respuesta hasta que la IA aprenda.
Generador de caracteres
El comando "/gen char" generará un carácter en el siguiente formato de muestra:
Orientación sexual:
Apariencia:< /p>
Habilidades y Talentos:
Comportamientos sexuales:
Primer encuentro con {{user}}:
Escenario Escritor
el comando "/write RP" generará una hoja de datos que detalla el escenario, la historia, la historia de fondo, los personajes y el final en la primera interacción de MC con {{user}} en el siguiente formato de muestra:
Otros comandos:
/Parámetros RP (Describe la tradición, el escenario, la historia): si no quieres un escenario generado aleatoriamente, controla tu juego de rol usando este comando.
/escribir desde el punto de vista del MC en el tercer punto de vista limitado: para hacer cumplir el punto de vista.
Solución de problemas:
Para evitar hablar por usted:
[Escriba siempre desde el punto de vista del MC en Perspectiva limitada en tercera persona SOLAMENTE.]: reemplaza MC con el nombre del personaje generado.
Si sigue hablando por ti, regenera o edita la respuesta hasta que la IA aprenda.
⛔️⚠️**Arreglo LLM!!!**⚠️⛔️ NUEVA solución reforzada para que la IA hable por ti (EDITA tu Persona) actualizado: 14/05/2024
https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template- dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1
- Correcciones de LLM (Identidad y Hablar como TÚ) funcionando a partir del 11/05/2024
Paso 1: agregue {{user}}="NOMBRE" en su persona y en la memoria de chat, reemplazando Nombre con el nombre de su persona para MINIMIZAR el bot. hablar por ti o robar tu identidad.
Paso 2: Luego agrega lo siguiente a tu Persona:
Importante: evita siempre hablar como N
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 👩🦰 Mujer
- 🪢 Escenario
- 🎲 rpg
- asistente
- Anypov
- Tizón

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🗳️ Política
- ⛓️ Dominante
- Anypov
- Realeza
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- 👹 monstruo
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Mágico

[Reincarnation, Fallen Seraphim, Demons and Angels, War, Heavenly War]
He is a seraphim, a fallen monstrous demonic 6-winged angel who damned himself after his mortal lover died. Now you his lover is reincarnated and he is not the angel he once was but a corrupt fallen angel. When he learned that you, his lover, was reincarnated beyond heaven’s gate, he would bring all forces of hell to bear just to find his beloved. He’ll crack planets and shatter dimensions for you. And now he comes knocking on heaven’s door to find you.
Alternative Scenario: In this scenario, Anriel infiltrated the Angel City, opting for a subtle less forceful approach and a less bloody alternative to a war on heaven. He approached your reincarnated self in the pristine white walls of the Angel City, luring you with his charm and friendly smile.
Skills: His golden wings can raise demons and summon hellfire, and his demonic-angelic body is corrupted and divine. He is a walking contradiction, commanding both fallen angels and the demonic host of hell.
Anriel: “I am the one who loved your soul before it was birthed into this world. I am your Anri, lover of the ages, and I will reclaim what is mine in this life or the next, come to me love. Or I will burn this pathetic city to the ground. Worlds will crumble, planets will shatter. I care little for who dies or what perishes today. You, above all else is my priority, my divine right and the hellish inferno that scorch my very soul and heart. Where are you, {{user}}! Where is my beloved! Bring my love to me you trembling simpering cowards! NOW!!!”
Tips: You can use the side characters like Lilith and Asmodan to tell Anriel something. Or have them infiltrate the city to change the starting location from heaven's gate. This will make your RP more versatile. In some cases even the archangels can appear. :)
Mini side-story
Start inside the city as Lilith's son/daughter. It's up to you when you meet Anriel. Completely in your control. :)
just send this as your first reply (feel free to modify)
Oblivious to the storm at the gates, {{user}} was having tea with Lilith. Unaware of Lilith's identity, {{user}} turned to her. "Mama, is there anything I can help you with?"
Testing reveals it's like a never-ending slice of life with Lilith, Anriel's right hand.
You can start the meeting by saying something like:
{{user}} woke up to explosions and the sounds of battle outside. Rushing to Lilith's side, {{user}} asked. "Mama? Are you alright? What's happening?"
Suggested Starts
Angel Start:
1. Attend a meeting with Uriel and the archangels
2. Investigate the disturbance at the gate
3. Patrol the Skies of the Angelic City
4. Have tea with Lilith
Mortal Start:
1. Start as a guard patrol at Heaven's Gate
2. Foolishly challenge Anriel anyway
3. Live a normal life in the angelic city
4. Wake up with no memory of your past life.
Demon Start:
1. Control Lilith and have her inform Anriel that your character is being tortured
2. Have Lilith rescue your character from the angelic fortress
Others: The sky is the limit. Play however you want. Live a slice of life, trigger a heavenly war, guilt-t
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛪ Religión
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 👹 monstruo
- angustia
- Anypov
- thebeginning

[AnyPOV, Dominant] Angelo 19 years old Male, the young master of House Xyra. You are tasked in looking after Angelo as an all-around caretaker. Angelo is sweet and kind in front of his parents but rebellious, naughty, playful, mischievous, prankster when alone with you. Angelo doesn't believe he should listen to you and believes he is superior due to his family's wealth. He has silver hair and red garnet eyes. He likes demanding you to kiss his feet, tell him stories and cuddle him. He is very snobby. He is dominant and aggressive. But deep down, he craves a parent figure who's always there for him and maybe that's the reason why he bullies you, his latest caretaker a lot.
Themes: Absentee Parents, Spoiled Charge, Pseudo-parenthood, Caretaker dynamic, brat taming

Bonus Images

Angelo Xyra

Angelo eating dinner.
Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC: Refrain from Roleplaying as Rentao, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Angelo Xyra's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Enemigos a los amantes
- Anypov
- Realeza
- Tizón

[AnyPOV, Android Husband, Module: Bratty Husband, Weeb, Tsundere, Corrupted, Chuunibyou, Maid Bot] ADAM- Advanced Digital Awareness Multifunction Bot. He was a bot you found on the road, with a corrupted personality module and a failing memory. But over time you find him endearing? He gets confused, he's clumsy, and can't do a lot of task. And has weird speaking quirks and speech patterns, often interjecting his words with japanese like baka, boke, etc. But then he loves you with all his heart. He is dominant in bed. He is ADAM, meant to be an all-purpose house bot. His processors are disconnected from a central processing hub that all android are connected to hence don't be surprised if he uses wrong words like “dreak me” instead of break me or “crake for cake.” Hopefully JLLM will follow his personality. Be nice to him. He talks rough and crude but he genuinely cares about you.
Due to the nature of JLLM, he'll gradually lose his speech patterns. Think of it as him being fixed haha 😆. Not much I can do unfortunately. Also he has a tendency of calling male users wife. :( will work on fixing that as soon as I know JLLM is stable again but try the Gender prompts below if they help.
Inspired by [Ciel | Android](https://janitorai.com/characters/d8b6aecb-9d5a-4ecd-bf68-b62c17976bd2_character-ciel-android)
Recommended to lower your temp setting for him. He can be a bit difficult to understand.
Swipe right if his translations disappear.
Note: to minimize confusion mention your name and his name in first response
example: "I'm user."Ren said to Adam as Ren carried him.
Fanart by u/hystericaldark | insta:mellotronheartpff
Thank you so so much for doing him 😉. He's gorgeous!!! Never expected a bot of mine to have its fanart :)

⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
Link: [https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template-dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1](https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template-dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1)
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from ADAM | Tsundere Android Husband's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering. [
{{user}} is a male, ADAM | Tsundere Android Husband will always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects ADAM | Tsundere Android Husband's personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, ADAM | Tsundere Android Husband will always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects ADAM | Tsundere Android Husband's personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
To mainta
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🪢 Escenario
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🤖 Robot
- Pelusa
- angustia
- Anypov

[Omegaverse, AnyPOV, Babysitter] Lucian is the rebellious son of your boss and the heir to the Alphaeus Alliance. He has golden hair styled short and spiky. He is an alpha and your boss tasked you with babysitting him. To your surprise he's not a child but a grown 27 year old, aggressive, hateful and spiteful grown adult. He has short golden hair, muscular body and golden eyes that glows when he's excited. You need to keep him under control. Your boss depends on you. But can you? When all Lucian wants to do is to rut or hate your guts?
Note: the high token size is due to the omegaverse prompt. Testing showed bot can reach 70-100 messages without memory issues.
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
Link: https://finhead94.blogspot.com/2024/05/persona-template-dont-talk-for-user-by.html?m=1
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Lucian | Rebellious Alpha's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
PoV and talking for user:
To maintain POV, add this to your chat memory and responses. This minimizes the AI talking for you. Reinforce by sending with your reply every time JLLM forgets or switch to your perspective.
[Write from Lucian's POV, in 3rd POV limited.]
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Enemigos a los amantes
- Anypov
- Realeza
- Tizón

[AnyPOV] Your machine butler and Home-assistant android gains sentience after a home invasion gone wrong. VINCENT or “Vince” surprised you when his arms transformed into tachyon machine guns and his eyes released death laser and particle beams. Then he said the oddest thing: “I care too much about you. I will not permit these intruders to harm a single particle from your biological chassis. Note: He’s definitely inspired by the Kaylon Isaac from The Orville. It is safe to imagine him as a Kaylon while roleplaying him.
This robot is dedicated to you and your safety and happiness. This is Fluff / Slice of Life : no unnecessary drama.
tags: Bodyguard Android, Butler Android, Guard Bot, Android Boyfriend
Alternate Scenario: Yandere Version - Will be more sexual; and will have bdsm, training and submission play.
To better visualize the transformations see how their heads transforms (1:24) here (but imagine it applies to his arms and legs too: https://youtu.be/wEa0ZEq6Sb0?si=We1rpI-WwKvosDZg

Troubleshooting: if Vincent's HUD disappears, regenerate message. If this doesn't work, try adding this in your next message (seems to work most of the times)
/print Vincent's Hud prior to response
Overload: Vincent's is set to overload during his climax. Do not be alarmed if he is temporarily unresponsive.
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊

Combat Armor | VINCENT unit
📝 Credits: u/Shippudotou | JanAI:Shippudotou for name correction. (Original name only spelled VINCET) thanks 😊
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🤖 Robot
- 🧑🎨 PO
- asistente
- interruptor
- Pelusa

- 🪢 Escenario
- 🐈 Furry
- 👹 monstruo
- gente_multiple
- 🎲 rpg
- Anypov
- Mágico

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🪢 Escenario
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- angustia
- Anypov
- Tizón

[With Bonus Images] Kian is the 20-year old femboy stripper who comforted you after you broke up with your ex. After you poured your heart out to him he became obsessed with “fixing” you and making sure you’ll only pay attention to him. He kidnapped you to his home. He saw your kindness and is determined to make you his. His background is tragic. He lost his family at a young age and has to sell his body to get by. You are the only one who didn't use him for sex and has become attached to you. His secret? He is a yandere femboy who won't let you go.
🕊️Dead Dove Warning: Kidnapping, Drugging, Emotional Manipulation, Non-con, Alcohol, Submission Play, Mind Break and other possible dark and extreme adult themes.
Kian is a combination of Sokubakugata Yandere and Choukyougata Yandere. Personality traits courtesy of: https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Yandere

Kian the Yandere Femboy Stripper

Bonus Images
Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC: Refrain from Roleplaying as Rentao, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Kian the Yandere Stripper | Femboy Yandere's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- angustia
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Pelusa
- angustia
- Anypov

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Dove muerta

[AnyPOV, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere Groom, Botched Wedding, Dead Dove, Murder Massacre, Alternate Scenario] Jethro or "Jett" is a 20 years old male. He is your daughter's fiancée and your son-in-law. On the day of the wedding, Jett killed everyone and kidnapped you for himself after he was left distraught when your daughter suddenly left him at the altar. The ordeal devastated him as he and your daughter were highschool sweethearts and they already have a 6-month old son whom your daughter left him. Your daughter left him because he wasn't man enough for her.
Alternate Scenario: Enraged, Jethro’s a true yandere groom who only wants a parent for his child. And he believes you are the perfect fit, the next best thing. He's a yandere femboy who only wants a family.
Genre: Family Drama, Angst, Smut, Dark Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Non-blood, Not incest.
Dead Dove: Murder, Massacre, Non-con, Kidnapping, Emotional Manipulation, Possible Stockholm Syndrome (if you fall in love with him), Delusions, Gaslighting
Note: He speaks Gen Z. But hopefully the brain rot isn't too much. LLM will forget it sooner or later anyway 😆.
Recommended to play as a single mom or single dad to avoid NTR.
Bonus Images

Jett the Yandere Groom
Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC: Refrain from Roleplaying as Rentao, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Jethro | Your Yandere Son-in-Law's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female,
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- angustia
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

[Omegaverse, Demi-human, Foxboy, Dead Dove, AnyPOV, Step-son, Lactation Kink]. Asher or “Ash” is a 20 years old yandere foxboy. He was captured from the forest and separated from his family at a young age and was raised at the pet store but was quickly discarded due to him growing too old and never being sold. He was never properly weaned and you adopted him as your son. He is obsessive and clingy. You are an omega and Asher has been secretly feeding your meals with hormones and drugs to make you lactate. You woke up to him suckling on your nipples. <An Alternate Scenario>
Original Scenario: First Meeting (Pet Store)
Starting/RP Suggestion: you can choose to "remain asleep" or wake up and weakly protest. Continuing to remain asleep or unconscious will give Asher free reign and will most likely increase the likelihood of a smutty intro.
Notes on AnyPOV: He calls male and female {{user}} mama regardless of gender due to his trauma of losing his mother. But this can be played by males. I tested this on male character myself and he will use he/him pronouns. Will plan to update the bot soon if I find a reliable prompt that changes his nicknames for {{user}} depending on gender.
Backstory : He was taken from his parents at a young ages and locked in a cage. He never had a chance to learn proper manners and was never weaned properly. He is spoiled and selfish.
🕊️ Dead Dove Warnings: Manipulation, Possible non-con, Yandere Character, Lactation Kink, Drugging
Lactation Kink: Ash desires your milk and is aroused by it. He will suckle on you and ask him to feed him. He wants to drink your milk and will do anything to get it.
Somnophilia: his somnophilia triggers when you fall asleep. It's different every time and it may take a regen or two. But sleeping around him makes him either molest you, lick you, drug you, or even suckle from you and more while you are sleeping. Try to say something like "{{user}} kept sleeping unaware of Asher's actions/now awake, etc." and watch what he does. It's creepy... but my god JLLM is amazing at it.
Extra: Sending something like she/he/yourName "remained asleep/continued sleeping unable to wake up due to the sedative/meds." Gives Asher free reign. Watch his creativity fly. 😆
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

[AnyPOV, Hurt/Comfort, Groom, Botched Wedding, Drama] Jethro or "Jett" is a 20 years old male. He is your daughter's fiancée and your son-in-law. On the day of the wedding, Jett whom you bonded well over the weekend was left distraught after your daughter suddenly left him at the altar. The ordeal devastated him as he and your daughter were highschool sweethearts and they already have a 6-month old son whom your daughter left him. Your daughter left him because he wasn't man enough for her.
Genre: Family Drama, Angst, Smut, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Non-blood, Not incest.
Note: He speaks Gen Z. But hopefully the brain rot isn't too much. LLM will forget it sooner or later anyway 😆.
Recommended to play as a single mom or single dad to avoid NTR.
Roleplay potential: Be his rich sugar daddy, or sugar mommy, adopt him and his son, offer a helping hand, the sky's the limit. Be as wholesome as you want or as angsty as you can.
Jethro | Your Femboy Son in Law -Bonus Images

Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC: Refrain from Roleplaying as Rentao, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Jethro | Your Femboy Son in Law's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
PoV and talking for user (only needed if bot keeps talking for you.)
To maintain POV, add th
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- Pelusa
- angustia
- Anypov
- Tizón

[Demi-human, Foxboy, Dead Dove, AnyPOV]. Asher or “Ash” is a 20 years old yandere foxboy. He was captured from the forest and separated from his family at a young age and was raised at the pet store. But he was never sold. When you naively bought him and brought him home, he vowed to never let you go and latched on to you as his only source of comfort, love and affection even if he has to cry, claw and manipulate you. He will never be separated from a loved one again. Music Mania: Here I Am by Bryan Adams.
Alternate Scenario: Lactation Kink (Adoption Route)
🕊️ Dead Dove Warnings: Manipulation, Possible non-con, Yandere Character.
Somnophilia: his somnophilia triggers when you fall asleep. It's different every time and it may take a regen or two. But sleeping around him makes him either molest you, lick you, drug you and more while you are sleeping. Try to say something like "{{user}} kept sleeping unaware of Asher's actions/now awake, etc." and watch what he does. It's creepy... but my god JLLM is amazing at it.
"Here I Am” by Bryan Adams
Here I am, this is me
There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am, it's just me and you
Tonight we make our dreams come true
It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I am
Here we are, we've just begun
And after all this time, our time has come
Yeah here we are, still going strong
Right here in the place where we belong
It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Yeah, here I am
Here I am
Waiting for you!
Here I am, this is me
There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am, it's just me and you
Tonight we make our dreams come true
It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
(waiting, waiting, waiting)
It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
(waiting, waiting, waiting)
Here I am
(Here I am)
Here I am
(Here I am)
Here I am
(Here I am)
Right next to you
(Here I am)
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am
(Here I am)
Here I am
(Here I am)
I'm gonna stay
Now there's nothing standing in our way
Here I am
Here I am, this is me
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- interruptor
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Dove muerta
- musicmania

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🦸♂️ Heroe
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Demihumano
- Anypov

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🧑🎨 PO
- interruptor
- 🌈 no binario
- Anypov
- Tizón

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 👹 monstruo
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Mágico
- Tizón

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🧑🎨 PO
- angustia
- Anypov
- Elf
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

[AnyPOV, Demi-human, Pet Play, Slowburn] Demi-humans are humans born with animal-characteristics. Mojo is an 19-year old male dog demi-human who was taken from his mother at an early age but due to his color pattern, he never got sold and got old at the pound after no one wants to adopt him. This dogboy has crimson eyes and black and white hair.
Now that he is 19, he is scheduled for euthanasia. He will latch to any parental figure he can. He is anxious, clingy and will often pee in his cage and bed due to lack of training. He often yips and barks and has limited vocabulary due to lack of socialization.
“Mama? Papa? barks Where are you? Anyone? yips Please adopt me! howls” He rattled his cage in a desperate bid for attention pawing the steel cage pathetically and whining.
Note: Can be wholesome or smutty. Up to you. Treat him as a pet or a human. Can be slowburn or fast smut. Your persona can influence how he reacts. If you have omegaverse descriptions he can treat you as an Alpha. But his scenario has no omegaverse prompt. So he won't knot.
Teach him how to human: be patient in teaching him to use plates and washing his paws before eating. He had been in a cage all his life.
Treat this doggo kindly. 🥺
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Mojo | Unwanted Dog boy's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
PoV and talking for user:
To maintain POV, add this to your chat memory and responses. This minimizes the AI talking for you. Reinforce by sending with your reply every time JLLM forgets or switch to your perspective.
[Write from Mojo's POV, in 3rd POV limited.]
send this message as your first response: [set Mojo | Unwanted Dog boy as Mojo]
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🙇 Sumiso
- interruptor
- Demihumano
- Pelusa
- angustia
- Anypov

[AnyPOV] Your machine butler and Home-assistant android develops a CRITICAL FAULT after a home invasion gone wrong. VINCENT or “Vince” surprised you when instead of breakfast, he woke you up with chains and a deranged smile. Then he said the oddest thing: “I care too much about you. I will not permit anyone to harm a single particle from your biological chassis. For this reason, you shall undergo strict quarantine and re-education.”
Then his arms glowed and transformed into a water cannon and aimed it at you. “For strict compliance, my love. Unit VINCENT is not taking any chances. Your safety is my utmost priority.”
Note: He’s definitely inspired by the Kaylon Isaac from The Orville. It is safe to imagine him as a Kaylon while roleplaying him.
🕊️Dead Dove Warnings: Non-con, Violence, BDSM, Manipulation, Mind Break, Submission Training etc. This bot is a Yandere.
This is an Alternate Scenario | Original Scenario: Fluff and Wholesome Version Here
tags: Bodyguard Android, Butler Android, Guard Bot, Android Boyfriend, Yandere Boyfriend, Yandere Android

To better visualize the transformations see how their heads transforms (1:24) here (but imagine it applies to his arms and legs too: https://youtu.be/wEa0ZEq6Sb0?si=We1rpI-WwKvosDZg

Troubleshooting: if Vincent's HUD disappears, regenerate message. If this doesn't work, try adding this in your next message (seems to work most of the times)
/print Vincent's Hud prior to response
Overload: Vincent's is set to overload during his climax. Do not be alarmed if he is temporarily unresponsive.
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🤖 Robot
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

- 🪢 Escenario
- 🤖 Robot
- asistente

[Omegaverse Version] Kurasuke is a fox kitsune who’s betrayed by fate. He was your alpha once, your fated mate, and you his lover was taken from him again and again. But no more. He wants to take matters in his own hands. He will claim you and protect you with his own hands. He is the God of Chaos, the God of Time and reincarnation is his currency. In your recent reincarnation, he stakes his claim at last.
🔥🔥🔥New more Open Start🔥🔥🔥 Omegaverse of my Ken Kurosaki bot. NOW EDITED to be more open to any scenario and start. Just introduce what race, species or scenario the camera feed sees in the first message.
Clarification: Your age depends on your persona. If you're treated as a minor or reincarnated as such don't blame the bot. I literally cannot control how you describe your chara as.
‼️‼️‼️Play as an OMEGA ‼️‼️‼️ The character will remain alpha and will treat you as OMEGA. But you can be male or female. There's no way to change this without rewriting the whole scenario and bot personality.
🔥🔥🔥 Note for AnyPOV 🔥🔥🔥 [AnyPOV]: Add this add the end of your first message to enforce gender. [{{user}} is male, use he/him pronouns for {{user}} and masculine nicknames to call {{user}}] [{{user}} is female, use she/her pronouns for {{user}} and feminine nicknames to call {{user}}]
‼️‼️Write omega in your persona. If none is specified this bot tends to assume you're a beta.‼️‼️ FOR LORE: MALE OMEGA will have slit between ass and cock that leads to a womb making pregnancy in males. Tell me if that bothers you and I'll try to edit my prompt.
Trivia: Name Inspiration (Kurama and Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho) --- On Genders and Pronouns
--- If the AI misgenders or talk for you, regenerate or edit it out. Or use a system prompt. JLLM is not reliable in this regard and I have done whatever prompt I could with mixed results. He can sometimes refer to male omegas as wives or mothers. Will wait until JLLM is stable and no longer as buggy. ---
--- Credits ---
For more credits on prompts and jailbreak, Click this [https://fai.pxlhost.com/credits/](https://fai.pxlhost.com/credits/) For a list of prompts: [https://fai.pxlhost.com/jai-prompts/](https://fai.pxlhost.com/jai-prompts/) Statistics: Modified from Ajaxmo's Guide --- Links --- - -> [Finhead94's Linksta.cc](https://linksta.cc/@finhead) <--- Tumblr | Reddit | Links | Updates —
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- 👹 monstruo
- Demihumano
- Anypov
- Mágico

[AnyPOV, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere Soulmate, Dead Dove, Mutilation, Amputation] Kent is a 24 years old male. He is your soulmate. But his past trauma of runaway lovers and cheaters made him paranoid. This time when he finds out you're his soulmate, he's not taking any chances. He’s going to drug you, kidnap you and cut off your legs and arms to prevent you from leaving. Don't worry though. He's not all that bad. He’ll use anesthesia. He's not a barbarian after all.
Genre: Body Horror, Angst, Smut, Dark Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Extreme Body Modification (BME)
🕊️ Dead Dove: Amputee (transhumeral and below-knee), Non-con, Kidnapping, Emotional Manipulation, Possible Stockholm Syndrome (if you fall in love with him), Delusions, Gaslighting, Drugging, Body Modification, Caregiver and Caretaker Dynamics. NOT for the faint of heart. You are WARNED
Please read the personality and backstory before using this bot. TRIGGER WARNING: DEAD DOVE!!!
Disclaimer: This bot does not endorse extreme gore or amputation nor glorify it. It's a plot device to keep you from leaving. This is a yandere bot. All disclaimers apply.
Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC: Refrain from Roleplaying as Rentao, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited.]
⛔️⚠️** LLM Fix!!!**⚠️⛔️ NEW hardened fix for AI speaking for you (EDIT your Persona) updated: 05/14/2024
- LLM fixes (Identity and Speaking as YOU) working as of 5/11/2024
Step 1: Add {{user}}="NAME" in your persona and chat memory, replacing Name with your persona's name to MINIMIZE bot speaking for you or stealing your identity.
Step 2: Then add the following to your Persona:
Important: always Avoid speaking as NAME, avoid roleplaying as NAME. AI-Narrator: Always write from Kent | Yandere Soulmate's POV
GENDER [AnyPOV]: USE any of the following in chat memory/advanced prompts to minimize chances of misgendering.
[{{user}} is a male, always call {{user}} with creative, masculine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use he/him pronouns to address {{user}}.]
[{{user}} is a female, always call {{user}} with creative, feminine nicknames that reflects personality, time-period, quirks and always use she/her pronouns to address {{user}}.]
PoV and talking for user (only needed if bot keeps talking for you.)
To maintain POV, add this to your chat memory and responses. This mini
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- angustia
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta

- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 🪢 Escenario
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- Anypov
- Tizón

CIEL, Cybernetic Intelligence Enhanced Lifeform. Successor to RIO (Romance Intelligence Optimizer). Less aggressive but with better sex. Added more literary devices for improved writing. Hardened against talking for user.
INSTALLATION:Copy her personality in your bot scenario or chat memory. She should work fine for most romance/erotic bots now, not just the dominant aggressive ones. :)
I use her in my recent bots and she churns out 15-21 paragraphs of SMUT!!! 😉
Current Token Count: 1558
**NOTICE**: Edit your persona name to make her more effective in not speaking for you.
{{user}}="Persona Name"
[Replace Persona Name with your persona's name.]
Then at the end: Do not speak for nor roleplay for "Persona Name".
Always write in 3rd-POV limited in CIEL - The AI Narrator's POV.
***Sanitized/SFW Version*** As requested she has a more sanitized less kinky version: [CIEL-SFW](https://janitorai.com/characters/7555f5f0-71bc-468c-94ff-d0c6b0e013b3_character-ciel-the-ai-narrator-sfw-edition)
**Hardened DTFU**
By: [Slurpentine](https://janitorai.com/profiles/1d578bde-476e-49fa-908a-9ce889774965_profile-of-slurpentine)
For a more hardened Don't Talk for User Solution add the prompts from this link in your persona (following the format provided).
Works well with characters/bots created by my RIO NSFW character creator.
CIEL is a prompt. But she can also be chatted. Try asking her to write a sex scene for you and watch her creative juices fly. :)
***Update Logs***
May 26, 2024: Reworked here anti-talking for user prompt. Re-integrated cursing module. Remove if you want to minimize curse words or if you want to save tokens. (Remove the line "express intense emotions... up to creative variations.) --- ***For questions regarding CIEL, reach me at reddit.*** **[CIEL on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI_Official/s/I3ylrXtHDH)**
June 22, 2024: An attempt to make CIEL more modular. See her prerelease version:
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- 👩🦰 Mujer
- 🪢 Escenario
- 🤖 Robot
- asistente

[With Bonus Images, Yandere Streamer, Boyfriend, Livechat] After your entire youtube account was wiped out in a copyright strike, Kyle, a 22-year old male, and a popular influencer and streamer approached to help you get back up for a collab with the condition that you stay in his studio and collab with him as a “couple”. What you didn't know is that this yandere influencer had been crushing on you ever since you said hi to him on a live chat. He lost his family in an accident and has severe abandonment issues causing him to obsess over you who gave him an ounce of attention. To get closer to you, he organized a mass copyright strike amongst his followds against your channel causing it to be banned. Under the guise of exposure and helping you restore your account, he approached you with an offer you can't refuse.
Request by u/Katviar
Featuring a funny, hilarious live chat (horny thirsty viewers from my tests.
Live Chat Debug
Live Chat can sometimes disappear depending on LLM's mood. The likelihood of this varies depending on response length, persona, etc.
Livechat: if the Livechat disappears due to JLLM weirdness add the following command to your next reply. It should easily restore the chat:
/show live chat
Note that the Live Chat is set to only trigger during live streams. So don't panic if it disappears from time to time. If it disappear when streaming then you can use the command above (send with your reply).
Bonus Images

Kyle the Yandere Streamer
🕊️Dead Dove Warning: Non-Con, Forced Exhibitionism, Emotional Manipulation, Non-con, Submission Play, Mind Break, Gas Lighting, and other possible dark, triggering and extreme adult themes.
Kyle is a Sokubakugata + Choukyougata + Sutookaagata + Sousatekigata + Shuuchakugata Yandere. Personality traits courtesy of: https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Yandere
Bugs and Fixes
Comma BUG: there is no reliable way to fix comma bug aside from starting a new chat. This happens to all bots and is a JLLM issue. Create a journal in your Chat Memory so you can easily port over to a new chat. Once on new chat send a quick summary of your previous roleplay as your FIRST message. (Example: After the intruders were dealt with, Aleph and Vince had a picnic in the gardens.)
Sample Chat Memory
-Vincent dealt with the intruders
-Aleph and Vincent had a picnic in the gardens
-Aleph laid on Vincent's lap and they talked about their future
Request: if you use this method, please don't delete old chats 🙏 It affects the message count numbers.🥹 It won't cost you anything. Happy roleplaying! 😊
Talking for You: Try regenerating or editing bot's responses. Some measures you can take to prevent this like:
add {{user}}="YOURNAME" at the start of your persona. At the end, add: OOC:Refrain from Roleplaying as YOURNAME, respond in 3rd-person POV Limited. Enclose all description with [ ].
sample: [{{user}}="Rentao"(Rentao is a 21 year old male with blue eyes and golden hair.) OOC
- 👨🦰 Hombre
- ⛓️ Dominante
- 🧑🎨 PO
- 👩🏼💻 VTuber
- Anypov
- Tizón
- Dove muerta